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Food Quotes and Jokes

Wine - Lemon Turkey Chops 
Recipe Prep Time - 10 minutes; Total Time - 25 minutes; Servings - 4
    Recipe Was Taken From This CookBook
  •  4 turkey chops 
  •  1/4 cup white Zinfandel 
  •  2 tablespoons fresh parsley - minced 
  •  2 cloves garlic -minced 
  •  1 tablespoon fresh thyme                             
  •  1 tablespoon rosemary 
  •  1 teaspoon lemon zest 
  •  1/4 cup lemon juice 
  •  2 tablespoons butter (if done on stove top) 
  •  ¼ cup olive oil (if done on stove top) 
  •  2 tablespoons honey 
  •  2 tablespoons meat browning or soy sauce 
  •  1 teaspoon Lawry’s seasoned salt 
  •  1 teaspoon lemon pepper 
  •  1 tablespoon fresh mint chopped 
  •  1 teaspoon crushed pepper
Mix the wine with the lemon juice, lemon zest, thyme, rosemary, parsley, seasoning salt, and pepper in a bowl.
 Rub the marinade all over the pork chops. Cover and marinate overnight, or for at least 3 hours.
Heat a large frying pan with olive oil and butter
Put the marinated pork chops in a frying pan and let them cook for 5 minutes on each side, or until well cooked, but tender. Serve with salad or rice.

Optional: You may also grill for 5-10 minutes or bake for 10-15 minutes. If you choose to bake turkey chops, after 15 minutes, remove the chops from the oven and place them on a stovetop in a frying pan over a low flame. Dissolve approx. 1 teaspoon of corn starch in ¼ cup of water and add to the frying pan. Stir until thick while simmering for approximately five minutes.

Foods For Thoughts - FoodsVibes and Foods Meditation

I'm not a chef or even a cook;
I'm just an ordinary guy,
Who cook what I have in my possession to cook;
And I also cook it whatever way I feel like cooking it
How it turns out is something else.
I might like the way it turns out, but you may not;
Contrarily, I might think it sucks, but someone might think it's delicious.
No matter what, I'm not only going to continue cooking, but I will also share what I cook.

While some people may have great cooking utensils;
Some have just the bare pots and pans,
Those that are needed to get the job done.
As a matter of fact, what's the use of having great utensils
If you don't know how to cook or what to cook.

You have nothing to lose and all to gain when you love to cook;
The more you cook, the better you will get at cooking.

Take your imagination along with you;

Don't leave it in the bedroom, in your car, or wherever it was first born;
Take it to the kitchen with you.

Don't always take it as a compliment when someone tells you your cooking is the best; because it could have been the opposite of what they honestly wanted to say.

It's a fact that action often speaks louder than voice,
It's a big difference when someone merely tastes your food and says it's good,
compared to when they quickly shovel it down then ask for more.

The quickest meals were invented by a hungry man;
When a man is hungry, he prepares something out of nothing.

When a man is hungry, his taste buds shut down, and his mind takes control;
Making everything he tastes, tastes good to him.


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